Saturday, November 5, 2011

Avoiding someone?

ok their is this boy i really like and we avoid each other but at this ball his mate kept on saying ask him to dance with me and that he says im having a good time but i said i dont want to ask him to dance and his mates keep on embarring me around him, but the thing me and this boy neva lyk talk to each im not sure wht this means, ive said hi hi to him and he responds but we never go up to each other and talk, do you think he fancies me or hes not intersted? he knows i like him and his mates embarr me in front of him and he doesnt do anything. and his mates talk about him to me when i go up to them. and another thing he talks to other girls more but when hes around me he doesnt talk to me that much i feel left out and sometimes he says oh i like her as a mate but im shy around, and evrytime i see him he looks down or allover the place, just dont know what it means can you help. he never been out with a girl before and everyone says i should move on that he doesnt fancy me.

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