Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I just lost a ton of respect for my can I face him now?

I have known this man for 15 years and tonight he had me over for dinner and after we were sitting in his living room and to the side his wife was watching t.v. We were recalling the good ol' days and his wife of 39 years chimes in and says to my friend Stan you have chores to do. You need to take out the trash. I was embarred for him and wanted to be anywhere but there. He left the room and went up stairs to the rest rooms to start his chores and I left through the side door. My question: How do I face my friend again? Should I have stayed and helped him with his chores? I don't know how to feel. this is a man that I personaly owe my life to and now as old men I see him be hen-pecked by his wife.

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