Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Help me what should i do why is he like this?

ive been seeing this guy for a couple of years now we have a beautiful baby girl together, but im pretty sure he is abusive....though when told this he calls me crazy and says he did nothing wrong that i started it...some times he will talk about other girls and look at them and tell me to look at them and how hot they are ect ect i am not a jealous person so i just brush it off but if i were to do that with a guy he would kill me... then he tells me how fat and ugly i am and it hurts because i just gave birth a month ago and i cant help i got stretch marks i tried everything to prevent them these thing are just apart of life i tell him and he laughs and says yeah keep telling urself that baby... I do love him (though i cant figure out why anymore) but we just seem to fight all the time and alot of times it gets physical...Some times he wont allow me to touch my daughter(she is one month) he calls me all kinds of derogatory names to her i know she dont understand him but it still hurts...if we are fighting and i try to ignore him he will throw things at me push me and if i try to leave he will take my keys... the other day we were fighting becuase the diaper bag strap got caught on his leg in the car and i ddint hear him say it and i pull it up and he threw it and hit me in the eye so out of reaction i smacked him (I know that i shouldnt of done that but it was just a reaction) so he said he did it by accident and when we got home i tryed to lay down and he came over to me and pulled the covers off and said get up w**** come on s*** and when i didnt get up or say anything he pushed a pillow down on my head for a sec and walked away... then he came back and just keep on and keep on i know i am not innocent because i retaliate to him and sometimes hit him back... he also has not trust for me and look thru my phone and i cant talk to my guy friends or anything... he is just so mean and mad all the time but he wont leave and the threatens to take my daughter and run away to a different state and i know he would do this... i just don't know what i should do im so scared and confused....I am terrified he will take my daughter or hurt us sense he has told me in the past he would kill all us if i left he would hunt me down and kill me then her and then himself and im really scared he seem crazy enough to do and no one will help me bc they are afraid of his family...HELP I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO......

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