Wednesday, November 9, 2011

When will this evil madness end, what a waste of childrens lives?

It is a waste of life and just so needless. When someone, especially at this age, takes their own life, we are all responsible in my books. The signs were there and yet people get so wrapped up in their own lives they either look the other way or pretend it isn't or can't possibly happen. How is it possible someone so young even knows about suicide and how to take their own life. If there are bullies in a school, why are they not recognized and where is everyone when all this teasing is going on. Surely someone has seen this happening. And yet the silence continues and children continue to die. Sad, very, very sad........Thank-you for this article and the awareness I pray it brings to people...........In answer to your updated question..... I do not believe on any conscious level anyone would contribute to the loss of life in situations such as these, but I do think those involved such as the school and the family, neighbors and friends need to be better educated in all the signs regarding bulleying and behavioural changes in the children. This is where the responsibility lies. This is where it gets stopped. Many people are taking action, but we still have a long way to go, obviously.

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