Saturday, November 5, 2011

I would love to get out of this marriage made in hell of 8 long years.?

I have been married to a sociopath for 8 years. I am wife# 3. We share a child, who adores both of us. From the start he was so attentive. I did wonder however, why he had soul custody of his two teenage boys and their Mother never was mentioned or involved with them. He is very controlling and they were not allowed to mention her name. I became pregnant, he then suggested I get an abortion by taking a pill. I refused. We eventually got married. It was so gradual. I watched him browbeat his younger son , who was fond of his mother. To the point where his son was having panic attacks which led to heavy drinking and drugs.And later showed signs of violent behavior. The older son however is his favorite. Later I found out because he does as he is told. Needless to say when the boys left home, I became his punching bag. He has recruited his whole family against me.It has made my life a living hell, since my family is deceased. I had the good credit when we met. He had none. I put his name on my cards. He then forged my signature for huge amounts of cash. When his business failed I am left holding the cards literally! Thousands of dollars. I learned he owed the IRS quited a large sum of money which he lied about. We lost our home. After I refused to sign Power of Attorney on his tax lien , he made my life unbearable. Often times he would bring in his fav. son to get in my face and try and set me off. I warned him, the next time the police would be called and he would be escorted off the property. This man is very cunning, noone ever hears the things he says to me. It is emotional and mental abuse of severity. I have called the women's shelter and the women's crisis center for help several times over the years. Appears to be hopeless. I am afraid of him. I have seen him set people up for failure. He is a convincing, practised liar. and has an exceptional verbal facility, which can outmanoeuvre most people in times of conflict. I just feel as though there isn't any hope. He is the actual Jekyll and Hyde nature. a very scary individual. sometimes i wonder if it's easier to stay in the marriage rather then face divorce. I do know I cannot go on feeling this way it just gets worse with time. Open for suggestions...............

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