Saturday, November 12, 2011

Coming out to my father?

Well I think you should wait for more natural opportunities in your normal conversations with your dad. Like if he says something about things you should be doing because of your age... like .. "You should be dating a nice girl by now." You could say... "You know I am not like all the other guys Dad" Or "I am not sure if I that is what I am interested in." Or even... "Dad if you want to talk more about this that's fine but I am not sure you would want to hear what I am thinking." You know.. smoothly or not... make him think he should already know and that it is OK to talk about it. No big deal right? He may back off the first few opportunities likely but eventually he will acknowledge it in some way. As long as you are not forcing him to deal with it by becoming the dreaded psycho-gay rebel... He won't necessarily be as threatened by it all. Sometimes the only thing you need to do is let him know it is OK to talk about it... ask about it... talk about his and your interests and or worries... The relationship you described sounds like it is one that can survive a coming out party, as long as it is not a surprise party. All this comes with the disclaimer... only you know if this will work for you or for him or for the both of you.

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